Thursday, March 22, 2018

In the morning...

Psalm 143:8 - "Cause me to hear thy lovingkindness in the morning; for in thee do I trust: cause me to know the way wherein I should walk; for I lift up my soul unto thee." What a beautiful verse!

I am a morning person. I love my early morning time with God. I have my coffee, it's quiet and it's just HIM and me. My take on this verse is asking God to let me see His loving-kindness throughout the day in a verse, a song, the sunrise, the rain, any reminder of His unfailing love and faithfulness to me. I believe in His love. I trust Him. I need Him to direct my day. 

Whatever you may be going through, whatever circumstance you may be facing, lift your heart, soul and mind up to God first thing in the morning. What better way to start your day but with HIM! 
He's waiting and ready to come and sit with you and listen as you share your thoughts and prayer request with Him. Then remember to look and listen for those visible reminders of His love for you. 

Love in Christ,

1 comment:

  1. I don't sit with Him every morning like I should. When I do, there is a definite difference in me as I go about my day. What I do find, though, is that no matter what, He is always with me. All I have to do is call on Him. His faithfulness is unfailing. Thank You Lord for how much You love us!!
