Tuesday, August 21, 2018

How Do You Talk To God?

I remember my mother telling me many years ago how to talk to God. She said, "You talk to God like He's sitting right beside you." It has taken me years to understand what she was saying, but I can tell you today that is precisely how I pray and talk to God. I have my time with Him first thing in the morning, in a quiet place. I love my time with Him. Some days I am very talkative, some days I have a heavy heart, and I cry instead of talking. God knows. He becomes your best friend because He knows everything about you.

In writing this, I was thinking about how loving, compassionate and understanding God is. He listens to our heart as we talk to Him and sees the tears, the sadness, and concerns. God also enjoys hearing our thankful hearts for His goodness and faithfulness to us. He gives wisdom and endurance for the trials and peace for our weariness. And if we are still, we can feel His Presence. "Be still, and know that I am God..." Psalm 46:10

Do you have a quiet time to talk to God? I pray that you do and if not it is never too late to start. It's important and an excellent way to start your day and end your day.

Love in Christ,

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