I have heard this saying many times, "The way we respond to suffering from a hurt will make us better or bitter." How true. Every person at some point in their lives has been wronged or hurt by another person. If you haven't, you are blessed!
We remember the story of Joseph and how bad his own brothers hated him. They nearly killed him but instead sold him into slavery. If anyone had the right to feel bitter, it would be him. But in the story (Genesis 37-50) there was never any mention of bitterness. He even had the opportunity to get even with his brothers by punishing them, and they actually expected punishment. Instead, Joseph showed kindness. Joseph said to his brothers when they bowed before him in fear (Genesis 50:19,20) "Fear not: for am I in the place of God? But as for you, ye thought evil against me; but God meant it unto good." Joseph was gracious to them. This, my friends, is real forgiveness.
We can hurt forever and stay bitter or forgive and live a better stronger life.
Love in Christ,
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